English dictionary definition of uniqueness. Characteristic only of a particular category or entity: a. Unique definition is - being the only one : sole. How to use unique in a sentence. Can something be very unique or somewhat unique? Synonym Discussion of unique.
Definition of uniqueness in the Definitions. What does uniqueness mean? Information and translations of uniqueness in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. When dealing with acids and bases, remember the uniqueness of hydrogen bonds. There are a number of plausible accounts of how the uniqueness of the human thumb may have shaped the human brain, language, and culture.
Molecular biology associates our individuality with the uniqueness of the genes. Then you must have some kind of uniqueness , some quality that makes you stand out from all the rest. Find descriptive alternatives for uniqueness. In mathematics and logic, the phrase there is one and only one is used to indicate that exactly one object with a certain property exists. In mathematical logic, this sort of quantification is known as uniqueness quantification or unique existential quantification.
Noun (countable and uncountable, plural uniquenesses) 1. Uniqueness quantification is often denoted with the symbols ∃! The pure uniqueness of what we did virtually demands that there exist somewhere a record of what transpired and the terrible toll the exerted on those of us involved. This lesson will go over the definition and some examples of uniqueness statements, theorems, and proofs. Examples that singularity distinguished him from all his companions Used in print (Jaroslav Pelikan, The Shape of Death: life, death and) The straight_line would symbolize its uniqueness , the circle its universality.
The state or quality of being unique or one- of -a-kind. View the pronunciation for uniqueness. Context: The existence of uniqueness is determined by the size of the population or sample and the degree to which it is segmented by geographic information and the number and detail of characteristics provided for each unit in the dataset (or within the key).
Jump to navigation Jump to search. However, I believe in the universal power of math for modeling systems, so here I am. Anyways, I was wondering, if there is any definition of uniqueness in mathematics in general or (I guess) in set theory more specifically.
Well, the term uniqueness is quite ambiguous. Cherchez uniqueness et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de définitions en anglais de Reverso. Looking for definition of uniqueness ? For example, the formal statement.

Utilisez le dictionnaire Anglais-Français de Reverso pour traduire uniqueness et beaucoup d’autres mots. Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. The claim shows that proving existence and uniqueness is equivalent to proving that Thas a unique xed point. This is proved in (8) and (9) below.
Learn here with Sesli Sözlük – your source for language knowledge for a multitude of languages in the world. Short Example Sentences for uniqueness. Here comes to view the uniqueness of the Bible. His poetic force crumbles away, his uniqueness becomes extinguished.
Meaning of uniqueness for the defined word. Grammatically, this word uniqueness is a noun, more specifically, a countable noun and a singularia tantum. This project serves as a portal for learning about human biology. Student activities center on accessing genome databases and analysis of differences between human genes and the genes of other species.
The singularity can be described then as the quality that can possess a person or a living being to differentiate themselves from the rest of their peers. Groups have their own personalities and ways of doing—what we call culture. For distinct groups to come together, they must share a core and they must have distinctions.
Our students in race and ethnicity classes intuitively recognize this fact. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word uniqueness will help you to finish your crossword today. Where a theorem asserts the existence of a unique element with a particular property. In order to prove this two steps are neede Prove existence and.
In considering human uniqueness , encephalization is typically the first aspect to be given attention, partly because it is the easiest to measure, even in fossil hominids. However, modern human brain size was reached 100years before archaeological evidence of modern human behaviours is seen 124. The uniqueness of the DSM definition of post-traumatic stress disorder: implications for research - Volume Issue - N.
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