It could be a problem with your. Strange resolution , multiple monitors detecte window is opened but still not visible. After installing photoshop CSthe program interface, menus and icons are extremly smal and almost impossible to see.
That also happens in Bridge but not in Lightroom. Thankfull for your help.
Having problems finding the correct resolution for your display using an NVIDIA graphics card? They report that the pop-up screen resolution window does not display all available resolutions or only displays the current screen resolution. One is bad settings of your display settings and the other is related to the drivers you have installed. Bad settings mean that your resolution and display settings are not what they should be according to the display you are using.
The display settings are not optimal for your monitor. The screen color settings must be calibrated. The biggest cause of problems for the distorted screen resolution is actually the graphics driver of your PC.
It is measured horizontally and vertically in pixels. Screen Resolution Problems Hi all, i installed windows yesterday and all was going well until i saw that the size of my screen was too small.