Women are cheating more than ever. So what does that tell us about marriage? Sex has always been a powerful form of control. The cheating wife is not an anomaly.
An depending on the age group and behavior, sometimes cheating women outpace cheating men.
Way more women are cheating than we think,” she says. It is just a start to get wives on the best track toward healing, should they want to stay in the relationship. Some women desire to reconnect with their husband and create security for themselves.
Learn why these five women were unfaithful—and what you can learn from their experiences—at WomansDay. My husband was a good man, but I was bored inside and out, she says. If your husband is cheating on you, you are bound to be experiencing a wide range of intense emotions: sadness, anger, fear, confusion and paranoia.
Instea they were adamant that they were NOT looking for a new husband. Many even stated their overt love for their husbands, painting them in a positive light, says Anderson.
When Thea and her husband moved to Los Angeles a few years ago, she had no friends close by and was alone frequently while her husband worked long hours.